
What to bring to your delivery

General information about things to bring to the hospital can be found in our patient guide.

As a new parent, there are a few extra items you’ll want to bring with you. It’s a good idea to have a bag packed ahead of time with some of the essentials, including:

  • Two nursing bras and nursing pads (even if you are not breastfeeding, these are important for helping you feel more comfortable).
  • Toiletries and personal items for staying overnight.
  • Music to play during labor, if desired.
  • Headbands or hair ties (clips may poke you).
  • Focal point item — something you like to look at that you can use during relaxation breathing (picture, flower, photo of loved one).
  • Child safety seat for the car.
  • “Going-home outfit” and hat for baby.
  • Receiving blankets to help position baby in the car seat.
  • A warm bathrobe and slippers.
  • Heavier blanket (depending on the season).
  • Sugar-free candy or lozenges to prevent a dry mouth.