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Decontamination tent set up as precaution outside Salem Hospital

Apr 17, 2013

In response to the scene in Salem at the Oregon Department of Revenue Building on April 17, Salem Hospital set up a decontamination tent outside of its emergency department as a precaution in case anyone required treatment.

Normal operations continued at the hospital, while medical staff and employees remained on standby as the situation developed.

Salem Health regularly conducts drills involving a variety of scenarios to be prepared to respond in the event of a disaster.

Salem Hospital is part of Salem Health, along with West Valley Hospital, Willamette Health Partners and other affiliated health care organizations offering exceptional care to people in and around Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley. Visit us at salemhealth.org and facebook.com/salemhealth; follow us on Twitter: @salemhealth; and view us at youtube.com/salemhealth.


Salem Health Foundation
