S: Liquid consistency and modified texture names are changing in EPIC on August 10th.
B: Our organization has been working to align with the IDDSI (International Dysphagia Diet Standardization Initiative) definitions for modified textures and liquid consistencies for over 2 years. This work ensures that the terminology we are using within our organization and upon discharge matches what other providers and facilities in our community are already using.
A/R: What is being updated:
Content will include BOTH the current name and the new name when there is a 1:1 match. Here is a look at the change you will see in orders.
***No change in provider workflow
R: Check out the new definitions. If you or your section would like more detailed support or have questions please contact Melissa Berry, acute rehab manager at Melissa.berry@salemhealth.org or 503-814-2418.