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Palliative care returns to full scope of services

16 Jul 2023

See guide for full details

By: Larissa Smith, manager, adult hospitalists, palliative care and psychiatry provider operations

We're pleased to share the palliative care team is now open to the full scope of palliative care service!

This team combines symptom management, psychosocial and spiritual support with current medical treatment and is appropriate at any stage of a serious and/or life-limiting illness.

Here is a detailed guide to the scope and services of palliative care:

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As a reminder, our services do not include the following:

  • Chronic non-malignant pain.
  • Isolated substance use disorder.
  • Management of acute or chronic psychiatric issues.
  • Comfort care or hospice discharge planning where goals of care are established.
  • Code status and/or capacity assessments not related to serious or life-limiting illness.

Thanks for your support and patience as we continue to grow a strong palliative service to support you and the patients we serve! We continue our search for a palliative care medical director and will share updates as more information becomes available. 

Questions? Contact Christine Clarke, MD, chief medical officer, Salem Health Medical Group.