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Epic wound care module goes live Aug. 29

27 Aug 2023

Learn what’s changing

By: Olivia Alley, technical communications coordinator

On Tuesday, Aug. 29, Epic wound care will be updated at Salem Health Advanced Wound Center to align with previous inpatient and West Valley Hospital updates.

What is changing?

  1. All new advanced wound care documentation will be visible to you in Epic beginning on Tuesday, Aug. 29. Within the next three months, historic documentation will also be in Epic. In the interim, historic documentation can still be requested from HIM.
  2. Providers only need to use one order regardless of location for outpatient wound care: Referral to Advanced Wound Care (CON1171).
  3. In chart review, users will see the new departments:
    • SHAWC: Salem Health Advanced Wound Center (formerly SHAPES BLD C) goes live Tuesday, Aug. 29.
    • WVAWC: West Valley Advanced Wound Care (formerly WV Miller IWC) went live June 6.
  4. Wound linking and associate wounds.
    • A new option to associate applicable medication and non-medication orders to a specific wound. Storing this data will help us evaluate treatment interventions per patient as well as holistically for our clinics.
    • Wound/ostomy RN as a unique role on the treatment team list.
    • To review additional changes for wound care-specific topics that will not impact your workflow, click here for training materials.

Meet the advanced wound care provider team:

Our team includes Vascular Surgeon Dr. Sheena Harris and Nurse Practitioners Brandy Tolliver and Cassie Cooper.